Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Rants & Raves: Blago, Oscar's Blunder, Godzilla on Steroids, and AC/DC


The Dark Knight Snubbed

How, in the name of all that's sacred, is The Dark Knight not even up for a Best Picture nomination?

Keep in mind, I say this without having seen any of the other five nominees (that doesn't help my credibility). But in all honesty, if that four-hour overblown Lord of the Rings: Return of the King won multiple Oscars in 2005, how is The Dark Knight not even nominated?

Seriously - just nominate the damn thing! It's only fair. In the Academy's defense, the crap economy we have currently which reaped $500-million plus from The Dark Knight was not a factor in their decisions. Let alone, no one saw the other five films. They better find one hell of a host.

2) Rod Blagojevich, Media Whore

Well, it is official. Rod Blagojevich is an insane individual.

If I could offer one positive description of this man, other than the dead raccoon on his scalp, it would be his persistance. He is a very persistent ( *cough *cough, arrogant!) man who, despite getting his law degree and knowing full well the scope of his crimes is, nonetheless, well-versed in backpedalling and clearing his name.

If there is any justice in the world, Mr. Blagojevich (and his equally pathetic wife) will receive some time in prison. Holding up children's hospitals and a US Senate seat for personal financial gain is, simply, despicable. One has to feel for his two daughters - it is too bad they will likely spend a chunk of their childhood years with their father behind bars.

and some raves . . .

1) Cloverfield

It was just over a year ago that I caught this film in the theater after having been caught up in all the anticipation from a brilliant marketing campaign. And, to my mild surprise, Cloverfield exceeded my expectations!

Quick plot synopsis - a gigantic, indestructable monster is destroying Manhattan, in the meantime breeding crazy spider-like mutant parasites and killing thousands of people.

Silly? Eh, maybe. But for anyone that remembers from their earlier schooling years, how about Independence Day? While the movie wasn't awful, it took itself too seriously. With Cloverfield, we see through the lens of one digital camera a realistically filmed, frightening look at post-9/11 America. In its brief 81 minutes, the film never lets up in intensity and constantly reminds its viewers of our subconscious paranoia. It is suspense, with a sprinkle of sci-fi action at its best.

2) AC/DC . . . in concert

As I said in my first post, I would talk about movies and music as much as politics and all of that. .

Let's be honest, though - at least in my Rants and Raves posts, music and movies will likely be in the forefront.

AC/DC is a band I grew up on, and as I got older I got their older, Bon Scott-era material to listen to along with the Back in Black and later on period with Brian Johnson. Quite simply, nothing says rock and roll like AC/DC.

I saw them back in November 08, a day before Election Day, in Indianapolis, and two weeks ago in St. Louis. Each time, I was reminded why rock music can be transcendent and historical, because NOTHING matches AC/DC. Does everything sound the same? Arguably. But when it sounds that good . . . bring it on ;-)

Welcome to The Life and Times of Mike

Welcome to the Life and Times of Mike!

A little background on the title and the accompanying picture for my profile - one of my favorite shows on television is The Life and Times of Tim, an animated program on HBO that is full of great characters and absolutely hilarious dry humor. I spent about ten minutes thinking, "What would be a good title for my first-ever blog?" and, well - this one stuck, and I guess it will do just fine, at least for the purpose it serves.

So, with the title my blog possesses, that indicates I will post about certain day-to-day activities, personal reactions to certain events and happenings, and a unique, individual perspective on things. I've never done this before, and while friends of mine would readily admit I'm not one to be shy, this sort of discourse is something I've never attempted before.

I can say, with some confidence, that once I get my feet wet with the whole "posting personal thoughts for all to see" thing, my posts will be insightful and full of clear, unique, and hopefully entertaining observations. With the idea of this blog as a sort of micro-publication, I hope I produce quality material that anyone that comes across it enjoys to read.

So, in closing, I highly encourage feedback to any of my posts. I may write as if I'm set in my ways with opinions or observations, but that simply is not true. What I love is conversing with others about a wide variety of topics, from politics and history to movies and music. I'll have some political stuff, but pretty quickly I'll counter it with my favorite music artists (FYI - new U2 on March 2nd!)

I can't wait to read through others posts, and I can't wait for feedback from all of you!